Posts by Agent Chevy
It is a low dmg gold but overall, min dmg for q4 sword reported is 7-9.
Found these hiding in my warriors equipment pack today, what a beauty. Is it possible for these to drop with max mods or is it likely i modded them?
Any gold item has a chance of dropping with full max mods, so in this case, could be either or.
For a while now I've been keeping tack of the highest gv purple I dropped (no idea why just reasons). Recently got an upgrade with this Igneous Blade. Well random but has anybody got or seen a purple 300gv+ ?
I am just guessing but I would think high area treasure chests is probably the highest probability
feelin blessed today 🙏
Now that I have dropped this, it is now your destiny to start a q8 8e white focus collection....
Cant be more mixed, can it ?
That cracks me up, I just dropped this one, yours obviously has better mods as 20/20
Who wants to start a Core Ele Wand with 3 Ele attribute collection?
My collection of q8 15-21 gold inscri swords, if you have one who isn't here and want to sell / trade it, i have some doubles.
Very impressive! Happy to see another Q8 15-21 collector. You certainly have the upper hand on Gold Inscripts, a good % of mine are OS.
I don't have any dups at the moment but will keep you in mind. The only Gold Skins that I have that I am not seeing on the above are Golden Machete and Igneous Blade. At least that may give you a few more to look for.
I do have several blues but that doesn't necessarily mean they drop in Gold. The one blue I have that I would love to find in gold is a Brair Blade.The only purples I have that I don't see above is the Adamantine Falchion and Crude Scimitar.
Keep up the great work Mango ! I will be in touch if I get any dups you don't have. Also let me know if you collect OS Q8 15-21s, I do get dups of those time to time as well.
at least is max :DD
Congrats! All Q3 gold shields will be 11 armor, however getting a dual modded with max mods, impressive!
Ohhhh look at what the Elonian Chest dragged in...
Use Identification Kit
This is tragic. And i didnt pick it up. xD
That's unfortunate, that Cele could've had lots of friends to hang with and you would've had some lockpick money in the pocket.
would have been an amazing self-drop
AND I do collect clean-value insc stuff
AND my favorite color is blue
Agent Chevy might like it though
Thanks for the alert trademeimfamous , it is a little cutie with a great GV, I already have that particular one so I won't be stalking Bluey on a sell thread.
gz gz gz gz dropped from what lvl foe?
This one dropped from a Level 10 Skeleton.
Everytime I see a post in this thread I worry for my collection....
The merchant just got a few q1 scythes.You and me both!!
I know, got many q8 through the years, still like to do it. But I'm hooked now to OS q3 shields farming lol.
I also love Q3 farming, and in all honesty, it "feels" as though getting a max Q3 gold item other than a shield (Q3 shields are very rare but will always be max) is just as rare if not more than Q8s. Now I am sure this will get some debates, but if you consider the minimal places with level 12 foes and number of people that farm them, the chances are pretty dang low.