24 50-100e
19 10-25e
20 200-300e?
17 75-125e~
14 5-10e
rest merch/hero imo, unless u know some1 who wants the q9 insc stuff ... buts its all from zchest so wont be worth much
24 50-100e
19 10-25e
20 200-300e?
17 75-125e~
14 5-10e
rest merch/hero imo, unless u know some1 who wants the q9 insc stuff ... buts its all from zchest so wont be worth much
- Totem axe
- Oroku's slicers
- Phoenix's retribution
got those
vabbian defender 20e
bump, will sell skeleton shield after 48h if no more interest
merch imo....MAYBE there is some collector willing to give u 5-10e but i doubt it
1. 50-100e+
2. 100-200e+
3. no idea ... 50-100e maybe?
5e tops, imo merch/hero .... ive recently merched alot of 15^50 os stuff due to no interest (for the more rare skins u can still get a few ectos but guess u can count these on one hand, unless some1 is looking for others ofc)
if im not completly mistaken i remember to see those for like 500-1000e? (more like 500e) im rly not sure about EL´s, so wait for other ppl .... but i wouldnt sell it for just "any offer"
aegis 10-20e
blade merch (20%ench mod might get u 1-2e)
1. 5a+ imo
2. 200e+
3. 200e+
4. 25-50e imo
5. 5-10a+? (im tempted to say its worth more, but depends on interest)
6. what skin? if cantha maybe up to 100e, if not imo more like 25-50e
7. 20-50e maybe?
8. 150-250e+ imo (atm some1 is trying to sell one for 8a in kama but he wont get that much)
9. 3-5a?
10. 25e tops imo
edit: ive sold 1. 2. 3. for those prices few months ago when ectos/arms were worth a bit more, sure it always depends on interest but atleast on 1 i can say there are still ppl looking for it to finish there collections and it sure isnt something u see every day so i would take my time to find the right buyer for it, if u sell it for lets say 100 or 200e u can watch some1 reselling it for more im 100% sure on that
....btw 250-300e for a botted staff (7.) with "common" skin? no way imo but who knows, its a nice skin and maybe there will a lil bid war about it ... but as always, only an auction will tell you how much u can actually get for your stuff so take your time and good luck
well then, seems that we disagree
ive sold few dualvamp bows with shit skins & reqs (even 14% ones) for 10-20e+, so did Tutz and other ppl probably too. The use is up to your imagination, maybe for you its useless but for others it might be not. I personaly like the dead bow skin and id say its more rare than the ones ive sold for 10-20e so this is not merch food at all. True there is no point spending 2h+ in kama trying to sell it but if u spam there anyway its worth offering it and opening a thread here does not take 2h
... btw imo there is no point in spaming in kama for more than 30min, if you didnt got any interest by then its better to do something else but ofc everybody can decide what to do with there time themselves and thats not part of a price check, so im out of this discussion now
have fun
10e might be nothing to you Jack, but for other ppl 10e is still "something" ... besides, u can still use a dualvamp bow perfectly in my eyes, atleast in pve (for example i use it if some1 does a vq for me), imo only the botters/syncers might only need one hand dualvamp weapons but i have no clue about that tbh. IF u rly want to die very fast equip your armor with -75hp runes then 50hp focus wont make that much of a difference ...
nah, even two handed dualvamp weapons can sell for 10-20e+
30-60e tops imo
q9blood 20/20 cele staff, send me a pm with an offer if interested
1. 10-20e tops imo (most common low req skin & purple is the least wanted color)
2. 50-100e?
3 2-4a
4. 50-100e?
imo ...
chaos axe 5-10a+
e bow 25-30a+
hard to tell ... maybe there will be a bid war
agree with peikki, maybe u can get a few ectos more to the right buyer but imo it´ll be hard...btw mods wouldnt be max if its not gold and do not reply to your own thread, use the edit fuction (u allowed to bump your thread every 24h+ by posting something)
why???? .............................. 182 100e
182 50e .................
use https://kamadan.decltype.org/ ... ppl sell pcons every day, usually about 15-25e per stack
agree with pleikki, imo 100% useless but some collector might take it ... it can still drop so dont expect much
1. 50e tops
2. 30-50e?
3 50-100e
4,5,6 maybe 10-20e/ea
7 100-200e+
8 merch
all imo
got os q9 +5e battlepick/gothic axes, also some swords feel free to pm
fellblade 100-200e imo
crysta 25-50e?
zodiac no idea ... 50-100e+?
im affraid that nothing here is rly worth anything, MAYBE the q9 insc stuff can get like 5-10k/ea but tbh i doubt it ... imo not worth offering but thats up to u
all imo:
heraldic shield 50-100e
zodiac daggers 10a+
jade daggers 3-5a
protective icon 1-3a tops (more like 1a imo)
celestial scepter 5-10a+ (imo its pretty useless but to the right collector it should bring you 10a+ for sure)
chaos axe idk ..20-30a? maybe more?
crysta 50-100e, but only if u find a collector
forbidden staff 5a~
flamberge no idea ... q8 gold insc swords are way more rare than os ones, i wouldnt sell for any less than 25a if it would be mine (but who knows, maybe it brings you more just see how offers go)
greater sage blade i wouldnt sell for less than 50a (cuz i like the skin and its damn rare id say)
jade longbow 30-50a
PS: as always, a PC should only get u a rough idea about the value and it does not mean the prices are always exactly right, take your time and see how offers go...never know how things go these days
ye, agree with 50e, probably tops
imo more, to the right buyer 500e++ id say
Menzes' Ambition 20e
Stygian Daggers 15e
Menzes' Ambition
Stygian Daggers
Wayward Wand (q9 Inspiration Magic)
10e on each
#254 7a ..................................... why the fuck did u offer on it if u retract anyway os t ...................