its sad, but there is not rly any market for its probably merch/hero
Posts by hGt
50e tops imo, and even that might be difficult
10a sounds about right, maybe a bit more if you lucky
pretty much all mods are worth about 1-5e (mainly depends on buyer). 20/20mods, zeal/ench for scythe are worth more (10-25e/ea)
5-10a tops imo
if earth staff is obsi skin (which i doubt) its probably worth more then 50e imo, even 20/19 and q10 its damn rare. if not obsi skin merch
bump, added some decent stuff so i wanna see some decent offers
50-120e? possibly more? you dont see many q9 20/10 ghostly staves
lets start with 250e :p
i think the last uninsc bds which was offerd here on legacy went up to 500e? so i guess yours should be the same, if not more all depends on interest rly, its useless but cool/rare so some ppl might be interested
nothing rare, maybe you can get like 5-10e for it.
q9 ones are "rare"/wanted but higher reqs are probably hard to sell, maybe 10-25e/ea? IF some1 is interested
agree with lauren, i got a feeling that the shadow staff might get you far more
skin isnt rare, q13 sucks rly hard...50-100e tops? imo probably less and hard to sell but give it a try
blue q7/8 shields 10-100e imo (crude and spiked targe can imo get up to 100e cuz they nice skins, also 15/7 is more rare than 16/8 imo
zodiac shield 25-50e
darkwing 25-50e
draconic aegis 20-40e
gold great conch q7/15ar imo ATLEAST 250e++ (with the right ppl interested it you might get far more)
emerald blade 150-200e
bds 4-7a
eternal blade 15-25a
froggy q9com+cc 1-5a?
froggy q12resto+cc 10-50e?
cc q11dom 25-75e
cc q11illu 10-20e tops
bump, added most b/o´s.
sold some stuff, waiting for some ppl to come online
@ jack, sorry but ive sold the jitte ingame for a very decent offer.
1. merch
2. 100-200e
3. agree with masahiro
4. imo way more, ive sold a q11 one with -2wE for 12a and +30hp is far more rare so id say you should get atleast 10-15a if not more!
5. give it a try maybe some1 is interested in it, if not you can still merch it
all imo
c/o 110e (ingame by Guardian Of Ectos)
c/o ?
well, s/b here^^
probably merch, you can give it a go but dont expect much ... maybe there is some collector out there who is willing to pay a few ectos. atleast its q9 and max mods but those mods are neither very wanted nor very useful so it will be a challenge to sell this one
e8 75e, lemme know b/o pls
#2 100e
mhh difficult piece, they so damn rare to drop with req and mod matching but yet its 1%off and "only" q10...imo wands are extremly hard to sell as soon as there is just 1off, even when its q9. also there is a insc version on dom attribute so imo that lowers the value too, cuz if you want to use one you´re better off using a 20/20 insc one. (for other attributes you cant rly get any insc versions, so imo it would have been worth more if it would have been some other attribute)
if it gets some attention maybe you can get like 20-200e? give it a try, worst case your hero will have to enjoy it some more
1-2a tops imo
chaos axe merch/hero (salv mods if you want to, they can bring like 1-2e/ea)
bds 3-5a
50e plagueborn daggers
1. imo only auction can tell, there was one for sale with +30hp +1prot which was sold for ... idk, a few hundred arms i think. since most ppl prefer +30hp mod, id say yours wont bring that much but might get some attention. i personaly love -2wE +1attribute shields and i wouldnt sell this shield for much less than 20a, even tho this price might be hard to get (or not, but only auction can tell :D) take your time with it and dont sell to first offer
2. maybe 50e to a collector?
3. 200-400e imo
4. 150-250e imo
5. 100-200e imo
6. 7-15a
eagle defender maybe like 10-50e
zod bow & shadow staff probably merch/hero/5k-5e but hard to sell
zodiac hammer should get you 20-50e if you can find some collector
always hard to tell a final price for stuff like this but id agree with pleikki, maybe +-5a
id agree pretty much, but imo 1 is max 200e, and 6 is 20e tops and give the zodiac sword a chance, maybe you even get 10-20e for it (can still merch it if no interest)
id value the staff a bit higher, id say up to 400e might be possible
shield is interesting, i have the exact same shield with prot mod and had some offers on it, if i remember right the most offers where about 50-100e which imo isnt enough. for yours id say you might be able to get 100-250e for it, IF you can find some1 who values such shields
i sold a q10 20/19 for like 120e a few months ago, this one should get atleast the same imo.
2.+3. maybe 5e but very hard to sell
5. maybe 5-15e but very hard to sell imo (id give it to a hero)
6. 25-75e
8. same as 5.
9. 10-30e
21. nice, imo 100-200e
22. maybe 20-50e, also hard to sell imo
Q10 Tactics Ornate Shield, +30hp and -2w/ enchanted - 50-150e tops imo
Q11 Strength Gothic Defender, +10vs demons and -2w/enchanted 4-10a?
id merch all the rest tbh