Ashesofthedead Keeper of Salvage Items

  • Member since May 6, 2020
  • Last Activity: September 26, 2024 at 5:28 AM
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+1 fire (20%) / 42 on enchant Q12 str Eternal Shield

20e if the other offer doesn't pan out :)

-> Hombre Derviche

PM me IG

Ash hit me up in game for the 20/20 air cockatrice staff

Ash hit me up in game if you want the Round Shield

Hey I saw that you are kind enough to offer help to those who missed the anniversary event to capture the pve-only skills. Could I ask for your help? Thanks!

absolutely! I am offline for a while now, just getting into work, but I'd be glad to help you when next online!

Ign Ashes Of The Dead

what is your ign? I will be on later tonight (I'm EST so its 11am here) in about 8 hours or so.

If we are on different times I can try to be up early tomorrow morning to catch you then!

I'm EST too! My IGN: Ho Lee Blade. Thanks a bunch! See you in game!


hi there, I'm online, Ashes of the Dead, I sent PM :)

or give me your ign because im switching between toons atm

you can find me on st darshan

sorry I just seen your message, what is your ign?

want to trade before i go off ?

hey, you can come pick up the axe if you want

thank you! Will be online in about 5 hours.

a few days left for the chaos axe

Hi there do you want a gothic sword q9 os 15^ for 15e

IGN Shantel Melina

sorry another auction has same item in the 1-5ecto bin so I will pursue there.

Thank you though!