howdy! heres a list of the ones im missing.
Q9 Inscribable Shields
Adamantine Shield T
Aegis T
Bronze Shield S T ------?????
Copperleaf Defender M
Copperleaf Shield C M
Daedal Shield C
Defender S
Demonic Aegis S T M
Diamond Aegis S M
Draconic Aegis S T C M
Eagle Defender C M
Emblazoned Defender T
Embossed Aegis T
Enameled Shield T
Equine Aegis C T
Eternal Shield T M
Exalted Aegis S C
Guardian of the Hunt S T
Heraldic Shield C M
Iridescent Aegis S T C M
Istani Shield S
Kournan Defender S
Militia Shield S T
Oaken Aegis S
Ornate Shield S T
Plated Shield S M
Reinforced Buckler S T
Reinforced Defender C M
Scarabshell Aegis C M
Shadow Shield S T C M
Shield of the Wing S C M
Signet Shield T C M
Skeleton Shield T
Skull Shield S T
Spiked Targe S
Sun and Moon Shield T
Suntouched Shield M
Tribal Shield (Crude) M
Vabbian Bastion C M
Vabbian Defender C M
Vabbian Tower Shield C
Wooden Buckler T
Woven Shield T
obviously S=str, T=tact, C=com, M=mot
im not actually sure the bronze shields exist in inscribable- thats why there are ???? there.
But this are replicas