I forgot which bow mods you said you needed and just picked up dragonslaying- let me know if that's any use to you!
I got in trouble for responding on my thread :p But I'll take 5e for the troll mod
ill sell the q5 crude daggers for 1a
im on late nights EST
also during the day on and off Fri-Sun
#9 & #10 1a on each to start
Hey, i will be selling the #10 to you, when will you be online? lmk
Hiya, 100e for the B/O of the Echovald Shield Q11 -2/+10 Blunt. Your current offer is fair but I would like to wait out the weekend to see if I can get the B/O.
hey, iam online
hey you online? for the q10 +5e sword