pc q10 eternal dualvamp bow, Shadow shield +45^e,-2s, smiting rod q9 20/20 jewel?
April 1, 2021 at 6:04 PM Changed the title of the thread from “pc q10 eternal dualvamp bow (rec bow)” to “pc q10 eternal dualvamp bow, Shadow shield +45^e,-2s, smiting rod q9 20/20 jewel?”. -
Just auction the rod
dual vamp bows are not that wanted
Also not that useful
I pc it between 10 and 20e
The shadow shield is useful in ranger whirling combo and shadow shields are quite popular
So double digit ectos for sure
The smiting rod is super nice
Matching 20/20 q9
Thats some arms for sure
Cant tell definite numbers here but shield and rod are worth posting for sale
Dont sell too soon and dont sell to pm
May 2, 2021 at 2:36 AM Closed the thread.