Item 11 - 1A Ign Elektra M

New 05/06 : OS Shield Demon - Bo/Plat/Dragon Staff 20/20 - Bow/Axe DV - Q8 post (with b/o)
60a Gothic
65a gothic
100a gothic
110a gothic
Thanks for offers
Bump !
150a gothic
175a gothic
250a gothic shield
260a gothic shield
275a gothic
285a gothic
340a gothic
345a gothic defender
350a gothic
355a gothic
400a gothic
405a gothic
500a gothic
520A Gothic
ign: Zenedar Shadowfang
Bump !
TY for bid so far
R/B met but I let it run until friday 13th with no b/o (one week for casual players)
530A Gothic
Bump !
Last 3 days for the Goth 😉
540a on Gothic
550A Gothic
20a Brute
555a Gothic