WTS BDS,Torm Items' CC's and Froggy

  • Hello,

    1. Req10 Divine BDS - 400e

    2. Req11 Inspiration BDS-200e

    3. Req13 Curses BDS- 200e

    4. Tormented Prot Staff 40e

    5. Tormented Healing Staff 40e

    6. Tormented Death Focus 35e

    7. Tormented Curses Wand/Focus Combo- 70e

    8. Tormented Spear 40e

    9. Req 13 Fire Froggy 300e

    Celestial Compasses

    To Be Added Soon


    IGN: Deal Or No Heals

  • bsoltan September 10, 2021 at 12:28 AM

    Closed the thread.