Closed - PC on various OS items

  • 1 - 20-30e

    2 - if only it was 16 armor ;) still a noice shield hopefully u will get offers, probably nothing exceeding 5-10e tho

    3 - pm Dadan if he doesnt buy he is a noob ( he is anyway !)

    4 - 30-40e

    5 - try your luck with pedrobds he probably has one like this, take what ever is offered ;)

    6 merch

    7 merch

    zz1 probably merch

    sw1 merch

    sw2 merch

    sw3 merch

    sw4 -5 - 6 merch

    zz3 merch

    zz4 merch

    b1 merch

    b2-b3 5e/each dont merch B3 it has clean value 400g

    St-1 merch

    st 2 merch

    zz5 merch

    zz6 merch

    st 3 merch

    zz7 merch


    for further notice : all melee weapons not q9 (daggers, axe, hammers, swords, bows) are mostly merch exept if dual vamp or dual zeal

    all shield single mod are merch


  • Layn June 19, 2021 at 3:15 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “PC on various OS items” to “Closed - PC on various OS items”.
  • bsoltan June 19, 2021 at 4:38 PM

    Closed the thread.