CLOSE - Defender - Flamberge DV - Jeweled staff - Platinum Wand - Ornate - Hypnotic Scepter - Colossal pick

  • Grand Mere Shoutee September 20, 2021 at 11:46 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Defender - Flamberge DV - Jeweled staff - Platinum Wand - Ornate” to “Defender - Flamberge DV - Jeweled staff - Platinum Wand - Ornate - Hypnotic Scepter - Colossal pick”.
  • Je t'aide un peu pour celui mais dans la majorité des cas voila ce qui passe, ca t'aidera pour les futurs objects a pc :

    1) 2) typicaly the kind of shields no one wants : not perfect / q10 /12 / more or less comon skin. If you get an offer on this you are lucky, take what ever is offered, and mostly it will be the same for all imperfect not q9 shields, price may vary according to the rarity of the skin, but for all basic skins it will be like this, will endup merch / hero or get a 5e c/o here.

    3) for all basic skin staff q9 20/20 like this one, you usualy wont get any offer above 5-10-20e here cause everyone got them, i usually sell them ig for what ever i get when someone is looking for an "illusion staff" in kama, i show him my junk (🤪) and try to sell what ever he is willing to give. I merch all q9 20/10 basic skin

    4) this might sell here cause it's perfect and that will be the usual range on basic skin : 5-30e, here it's more towards the bottom of it cause the mods can actually be usefull, but arent rly desired so much.

    5) this might sell here, if not it will sell ig when ever some one is looking in kama for dual vamp single hand. Range is 25e-50e, 25e in kamadan if no one intrested here.

    6) merch / hero 5-15e, perfect but crappy second mod, q12, over botted skin

    7) all comon wands with imperfect mods are straight merch, trust me

    8) sold a few 30e, more ppl now realised this has a good value in q9 15^50 being the only piercing hammer that is used in gvg ra. Rarely ppl want to buy it in kama, you will always get a lesser offer here, mostly ppl trying to flip 15^50 (like me). 15 stance way harder to flip as ppl want the 15^50 version. And what's the point to flip it for 10e....

    Long pc but that will help you for further pc's. Am not saying i am 100% true and accurate but this is going to happen very often from my experience.

    The pc section is usefull when it comes to high ends / squeaky items, so you dont get lured by private or ig offers. But it will always be speculation, the real price of an item is the highest offer you will get. You decide at the end if you are happy or not with it.

  • Grand Mere Shoutee September 21, 2021 at 4:49 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Defender - Flamberge DV - Jeweled staff - Platinum Wand - Ornate - Hypnotic Scepter - Colossal pick” to “CLOSE - Defender - Flamberge DV - Jeweled staff - Platinum Wand - Ornate - Hypnotic Scepter - Colossal pick”.
  • bsoltan September 22, 2021 at 1:56 AM

    Closed the thread.