b/o: 1e ea
Woven Shield
Armor: 16 (Requires 9 Strength) Inscription: None Value: 204 gold Woven Shield Armor: 16 (Requires 9 Strength) Inscription: None Value: 204 gold |
Woven Shield
Armor: 16 (Requires 9 Tactics) Inscription: None Value: 204 gold Woven Shield Armor: 16 (Requires 9 Tactics) Inscription: None Value: 228 gold |
Ivory Bow Piercing Dmg: 15-29 (Requires 9 Markmanship) Inscription: None Value: 204 gold Ivory Bow Piercing Dmg: 15-29 (Requires 9 Markmanship) Inscription: None Value: 256 gold |
Platinum Staff Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance: 20%) Energy+10 Fire Dmg: 11-22 (Requires 9 Energy Storage) Inscription: None Value: 204 gold Channeling Staff Halves skill recharge of spells (Chance: 20%) Energy+10 Cold Dmg: 11-22 (Requires 9 Channeling Magic) Inscription: None Value: 224 gold |