OS Items and a Q5 gold brute sword (close pliz)!

  • Added in 2 images, please just let me know if any worth something.

    I added numbers and professio to make it easier.

    Thanks A LOT for any help received, I really have no idea on this OS items value.

    Edit: added picture of the war hammer skin as I got some questions about it

  • max dmg for sword q5 is 13-18. so your sword if of AND shit mod.

    Just as a a basic:

    ALL material weapons that are not from a rare skin and not q9 are merch.

    Even MOST material q9 weapons are merch.

    Keep the Earth and Fire Wand and keep the Zodiak q11 caster Axe if you like the skin (might fetch 10e maybe)

    For the Dual Zeal hammer there is collector for it here.. for all material weapons that are q9 check Cash WTB if he needs it.

    All other stuff is merch

  • Thanks a lot for the help. Sorry which hammer are you refering to?runic/war/twin?and you mean earth/fire/zodiac could go to 10e/ea aprox?

    Sorry im not english and dnt understand well.


  • Chesnagor December 1, 2021 at 12:47 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “OS Items and a Q5 gold brute sword” to “OS Items and a Q5 gold brute sword (close pliz)!”.
  • bsoltan December 2, 2021 at 1:25 AM

    Closed the thread.