Price Check on some Stuff

  • Hi,

    could anybody make me a pc for

    El Priest of Baltazar
    Q9 Flamberg, not OS
    Dom Destroyer Set (Scepter and Focus)
    El Shiro
    Bramble Short Bow Q13 +15 -1 liferegen
    Bramble Short Bow Q12 +15 -1 energyregen
    Topas Scepter Dom Q12

    Thanks for doing a Price check :)

  • bump!

    edit: Any1 has another opinion about Topas? Because i think its pretty rare because nobody farms it and it has a really nice skin.

    ***mod edit---remember you are allowed to bump your thread only ONCE every 24 hours!!! your posts have been merged due to an early bump---mod edit***

    Edited once, last by cosyfiep (June 21, 2017 at 8:50 PM).

  • El Priest of Balthazar - (2 months ago there were 2 people selling for 300e/250zkey)

    Q9 Flamberge, not OS - (Core Skin, so it drops in EOTN, not worth much IMO)

    Dom Destroyer Set (Scepter and Focus) - (Destroyer Weps sell for 5-10e for choice, if 40/40 the mods are worth like 20-25e total: 15 for forget me not, 3-4 for aptitude not attitude, 2-4 for focus core, and 1e for wand wrapping)

    El Shiro - 10e ish

    Bramble Short Bow Q13 +15/-1 life regen - q13 and drops from Dragon Moss, I'd say merch cause 2 handed dual vamps aren't worth much

    Bramble Short Bow Q12 +15/-1 energy regen - same as above, but not dual vamp obviously

    Topas Scepter Dom Q12 - Probably around 5e

    IGN: Altarya Reynalt

  • cosyfiep May 3, 2018 at 6:43 PM

    Closed the thread.