Looking for a price check on the following weapons, please and thank you.

CLOSED - Price Check - 3 OS Weapons
axe 70e
hammer 50e
axe 70e
hammer 50e
Man you should retire from pc I think axe like couple ectos hardsalle
non q9 dual zeal has no value. not worth the time to find a buyer so i would merch it.
for the hammer pm the hammer collector in this forum and accept what he offers you
shadow bow goes for normal material prices. i would merch it aswell but maybe someone offers u 10e. hard to sell aswell
Man you should retire from pc I think axe like couple ectos hardsalle
it's dual vamp dude, go ingame and read current prices...
before say something, u should know dual vamp are always around 50-80e
non q9 dual zeal has no value. not worth the time to find a buyer so i would merch it.
for the hammer pm the hammer collector in this forum and accept what he offers you
shadow bow goes for normal material prices. i would merch it aswell but maybe someone offers u 10e. hard to sell aswell
its not dual zeal but dual vamp....
It’s dual zeal dude tru recycled
-1 health regeneration.... its vamp
Either you're trolling or you desperately need to get your eyes checked. The hammer is dual vamp, the axe is dual zeal.
Axe and Hammer are worth between 20 and 40e imo. The bow is 5-10e. -
ok my bad then... dunno why i read health regeneration...
December 3, 2021 at 12:21 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Price Check - 3 OS Weapons” to “CLOSED - Price Check - 3 OS Weapons”. -
December 5, 2021 at 6:55 PM Closed the thread.