Closed Please

  • :arrow: Consumables:
    - x25 Perfct Salvage Kit 5k/ea
    - x2 Ghastly Summoning Stone 2e/ea
    - x1000 Lunars 35e/stack
    - El Ghostly Hero 60e
    - x9 Party Beacon   26k/ea

    :arrow: Mods:
    - x2 Shield Handle +30 hp 13k
    - x6 Shield Handle +45 hp 20k/ea
    - Scythe Grip 20% enchanting 50k
    - x2 Scythe Grip +30 hp 26k
    - Zealous Scythe 15k
    - Furious Scythe 26k
    - Furious Spearhead 18k
    - x2 Spear Grip 20% Enchanting 18k/ea
    - Spear Grip +30 hp 13k
    - Bow Grip +20% Undead 40k
    - x2 Bow Grip 20% Enchanting 13k/ea
    - x5 Furious Sword Hilt 10% adrenaline 15k/ea
    - x3 Sword Pommel 20% Enchanting 13k/ea
    - x2 Zealous Dagger 23k/ea
    - Staff Wrapping 20% Enchanting 26k

    :arrow: Insc:
    - x9 Aptitude Not Aptitude 19% 1e/ea
    - x3 Aptitude Not Aptitude 20% 3e/ea

    Edited 5 times, last by cosmos (December 15, 2021 at 9:05 PM).

  • cosmos December 17, 2021 at 3:54 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Consumables & Mods” to “Closed Please”.
  • bsoltan December 18, 2021 at 5:18 PM

    Closed the thread.