PC Low Req (9 items)
n0x -
December 29, 2021 at 6:40 PM -
1) merch
2) am buying it for @T Miles if he isnt
3) 5e to whoever
4) merch non max
5) same
6) 10-20e imo
7) not sure but probably not very very much
8 ) ClEaN VaLouE 5e max Mr. Clean(-Value)
9) merch
gl !
I dont know about any of these per se.
I think 7 is cool , I'd pay a few e for that
The scythe with a new low maybe of some interest to someone
7. Oaken Aegis is considered one of the less common skins to see q8, iv seen a blue fetch like 70e+ but it took a long time to sell, people see a blue and have little interest
agreed, oaken is 50-70e bc its blue, sadly... could be really more if gold
January 30, 2022 at 11:42 AM Closed the thread.