In the attachment is a Fiery Dragon Sword with a weird stat combination that dropped for me in UW. GWWiki says it is called Vampiric Strength but Ive never heard of that. I'd love to know what it is worth.
Thanks in advance!
Fiery Dragon Sword with Vampiric Strength (?) mod
it's called dual vamp (DV for short).
it's called dual vamp (DV for short).
it‘s called that because on most items you can add a vampiric mod to get a -2 health degen. Which in case of the FDS is not the case.
The mod in general is pretty desireable though and people will sure bid on it.
Not gonna be a lot though because of the req & the mentioned inability to add a vamp mod to a FIERY dragon sword:)
March 6, 2022 at 3:28 AM Closed the thread.