• Hello i am selling listed items depending on how this goes i may have more to post any and all bids are welcome the highest bid will win if the highest bidder does not reply within 48 hours i will revert to the second highest bid as the winner.



    Q9 Str +27 hp/+10vs Dragons GV 212, Q9 Tac +10vs Fire/ +42hp stance GV 228, Q9 Tac RPD -5/20% +28hp GV 224

    Q10 Tac +59/hex RPD-2 stance GV 300

    Q11 Tac +10vs Plants rpd-2 stance GV 300

    Q12 Str RPD-5/19% +42hp enchant GV 244

    Q13 Str +10vs Earth RPD-2 stance GV 264, Q13 Tact RPD-3 hex +28hp GC 244


    Q9Str +44hp enchant RPD-2 enchant GV 220 SOLD Huskarl 25e

    Q11 Tac +45hp enchant +10vs Ogres GV 244

    Q12 Tac RPD -2 stance +30hp GV


    Q10 Str RPD -2 stance +10 vs Demons GV 228


    Q9 Str +10 vs Fire/ RPD-5 19% GV 308

    Q11 Tac RPD-2 enchant +42hp enchant GV 208

    Q11 Tac RPD-2 enchant +10vs Piercing GV 404

    Daggers 7-17


    Daggers Q10 15^50

    BOWs 15-28


    Shadow Bow Q9 15^50

    FOCUS +12 energy


    Q10 FS HCT 10%/ iLLusion +1/20% GV 164, Q13 Spawning +10vs Demons +58hp Hex GV 400

  • bsoltan February 25, 2022 at 10:59 PM

    Closed the thread.
  • bsoltan February 25, 2022 at 10:59 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “WTS OS Items” to “Close WTS OS Items”.