WTS Weapon Mods, Inscriptions, Unded Minis

  • May have multiples of each weapon mod or inscription. Just ask if you need!

    Weapon Mods (Melee):

    Hammer Grip of Shelter (+7ar) - 1e

    Hammer Grip of Hammer Mastery (20%) - 1e

    Hammer Grip of Defense (+5ar) - 1e

    Hammer Grip of Enchanting (+20%) - 1e

    Ebon Hammer Haft - 1e

    Icy Hammer Haft - 1e

    Fiery Hammer Haft - 1e

    Shocking Hammer Haft - 1e

    Zealous Hammer Haft - 1e

    Vampiric Hammer Haft - 1e

    Furious Hammer Haft (10%) - 1e

    Sundering Axe Haft (20/20) - 1e

    Icy Axe Haft - 1e

    Ebon Axe Haft - 1e

    Shocking Axe Haft - 1e

    Crippling Sword Hilt - 1e

    Fiery Sword Hilt - 1e

    Ebon Sword Hilt - 1e

    Zealous Sword Hilt - 1e

    Sword Pommel of Shelter (+7ar) - 1e

    Sword Pommel of Defense (+5ar) - 1e

    Sword Pommel of Deathbane (+20%) - 1e

    Poisonous Scythe Snathe - 1e

    Fiery Scythe Snathe - 1e

    Fiery Dagger Tang - 1e

    Ebon Dagger Tang - 1e

    Dagger Handle of Defense (+5ar) - 1e

    Shield Handle of Fortitude (+30hp) - 1e

    Shield Handle of Devotion (+45hp) - 1e

    Weapon Mods (Ranged):

    Focus Core of Swiftness (HCT 10%) - 1e

    Focus Core of Fortitude (+30 hp) - 1e

    Focus Core of Endurance (+45 hp) - 1e

    Focus Core of Devotion (+45 hp) - 1e

    Wand Wrapping of Quickening (HSR 10%) - 1e

    Insightful Staff Head (+5en) - 1e

    Defensive Staff Head (+5ar) - 1e

    Staff Wrapping of Defense (+5ar) - 1e

    Bow Grip of Warding (+7ar) - 1e

    Bow Grip of Fortitude (+30hp) - 1e

    Ebon Bowstring - 1e

    Icy Bowstring - 1e

    Vampiric Bowstring - 1e

    Zealous Bowstring - 1e

    Sundering Bowstring - 1e

    Sundering Spearhead - 1e


    Don't call it a comeback! (+7) - 1e

    I have the power! (+5) - 1e

    Have Faith (+5) - 1e

    Seize the Day (+15en/-1) - 1e

    Brawn Over Brains (+15%/-5en) - 1e

    To the Pain! (+15%/-10ar) - 1e

    Guided by Fate (+15%) - 1e

    Too Much Information (+15%) - 1e

    Strength and Honor (+15%^50) - 1e

    Vengeance is Mine (+20%) - 1e

    Dance with Death (+15%) - 1e

    Don't Fear the Reaper (+20%) - 1e

    Don't Think Twice (HCT 10%) - 1e

    Hale and Hearty (+5^50) - 1e

    Might makes Right (+5ar) - 1e

    Survival of the Fittest (+5ar) - 1e

    Live for Today (+15/-1) - 1e

    Hail to the King (+5ar^50) - 1e

    Master of my Domain (20%) - 1e

    Sheltered by Faith (-2) - 1e

    Run For Your Life! (-2) - 1e

    Nothing to Fear (-3) - 1e

    Serenity Now (10%) - 1e

    Leaf on the Wind (+10ar) - 1e

    Sleep Now in the Fire (+10ar) - 1e

    Through Thick and Thin (+10ar) - 1e

    Riders on the Storm (+10ar) - 1e

    Ignorance is Bliss (+5ar/-5en) - 1e

    Faith is My Shield (+5ar) - 1e

    Unded Minis:

    Water Djinn, Dagnar, Lich, Zhu Hanuku - 1e

    M.O.X, Livia - 2e

    Let me know if you have any questions. Open to offers, feel free to PM me in-game!

    IGN: Kunai Yo Eye

    Edited 15 times, last by sasdev (April 6, 2022 at 10:59 AM).

  • sasdev April 18, 2022 at 9:09 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “WTS Weapon Mods, Inscriptions, EL Tonics, Unded Minis” to “WTS Weapon Mods, Inscriptions, Unded Minis”.
  • bsoltan June 28, 2022 at 11:17 PM

    Closed the thread.