NOT SOLD (PM If still interested)
Good Luck!
NOT SOLD (PM If still interested)
Good Luck!
celestial sword 20a
celestial sword 50a
10a zodic bow
20a Zodiac Bow
E shield 5a
celestial sword 60a
10a eternal
Celestial sword 75a
15a eternal shield
80a celestial sword
100a celestial sword
Thanks for the offers! Bump
20a shield
16 a E shield
22a eternal shield
40a zodiac longbow
Bump added some R/B
r/b zodiac longbow
r/b shield
Bump added all R/B
r/b celestial sword
Bump thanks for your offers.
Bump. will sale in the next days
60a bow
65a bow
Bump B/O Added
bump bow sale soon