PC on some boring OS

  • Hello,

    Edit : until I got more lucky with chests, new items I'd like a PC on :)

    Can you confirm those are in the 15-30e range please ? Are the bows a bit more ? Is the hammer even sellable ? :D

    Q10 Gothic Sword +5e

    Q9 Shadow blade +15^E
    Q10 Shadow blade +15^50
    Q11 Katana +15%/-5e
    Q9 Storm bow +15^S
    Q9 Earth Shadow staff 20/10
    Q10 Gavel of the Nephilim +5e
    Q9 Amber Longbow +15%/-5e

    I also have an old purple eternal bow Q10 14^50 I guess it's trash ?

    Thanks in advance!

    Edited 3 times, last by Coutigro (November 15, 2022 at 7:00 PM).

  • ok thank you for your answer.

    Yeah I guess it will depend on the buyers will for the bo staff. Dunno yet if I wanna sell as I don't think it might reach double digits arm price ?

    I just found 2 shields on some heroes that I'll add to the list once I get back from work

    Theres an emblazoned one q11T-2^E + 41^E and a skelle shield q13T -3/+60^Hex

  • ok thank you for your answer.

    Yeah I guess it will depend on the buyers will for the bo staff. Dunno yet if I wanna sell as I don't think it might reach double digits arm price ?

    I just found 2 shields on some heroes that I'll add to the list once I get back from work

    Theres an emblazoned one q11T-2^E + 41^E and a skelle shield q13T -3/+60^Hex

    If you dont try to sell it you will never figure out if it reaches double digit arms. You can still reserve all rights to not sell if the offers dont satisfy your expectations. Declaring it as a prenerf bo staff alone is a strong USP.

    Emblazoned and Skeleton I see realistically both merch to 20e. Both are too much off on req or stats and hex-mods are not much wanted.

  • Coutigro November 15, 2022 at 6:52 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from β€œPC on random OS + 1 prenerf purple” to β€œPC on some boring OS”.
  • Edit/bump : deleted previous items and added some (boring) OS

    **Mod Edit** Coutigro

    Please read the Xunlai Rules.

    12. Price check threads.

    If you have new items to price check make a new thread, do NOT add them to an old thread or delete contents of the original post of a price check thread as these should be available for future references.

    Edited once, last by bsoltan (November 16, 2022 at 2:02 PM).

  • bsoltan December 30, 2022 at 8:57 PM

    Closed the thread.