M11 60a

Big OS Sale - q7 Flamberge | q8 15^50 | q8 15st | q8 15ench | 20/20 Staff | Chaos, Zodiac, Fellblade, etc. - R/Bs Added
m8 300a
m11 70a
Rahl The Outlaw
November 30, 2022 at 5:03 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Big OS Sale - q7 Flamberge | q8 15^50 | q8 15st | q8 15ench | 20/20 Staff | Chaos, Zodiac, Fellblade, etc.” to “Big OS Sale - q7 Flamberge | q8 15^50 | q8 15st | q8 15ench | 20/20 Staff | Chaos, Zodiac, Fellblade, etc. - R/Bs Added”. -
m8 305
Hey folks!
Thanks for your patience with me while I get myself settled. I have updated bids, and most items have hit their reserves. I am going to let it run until Friday, and then I will begin making sales.Cheers!
15^50 zodiac 350a
14^stance flamberge 350a
330 ambrace requier 7 flamburg
M3 95a
M11 75a
400a flameberge q7 125a q8 zodiac 15st
M11 80a
m3 96a
ign lummy goes ele
Bump it up!
24 hours from now, anything that has met it's reserve will be considered sold, and I won't accept further bids.
So if you want something, get your bids in before this time tomorrow!
m8 375a
M8 400a
m8 450a
M8 480a
M9 120a
M10 120a
Retracting all bids
ST5 - 9a
ST6 - 9a
ST7 - 9a
ST8 - 6a
ST11 - 9a
ST12 - 6a
m8 550a
M11 82a
M8 580a
m1 500a
m6 90a
m7 90a
m8 620a
M11 83a
March 5, 2023 at 5:21 PM Closed the thread. -