r/b met for the following items, selling by 22:00 UTC+1, 30-nov-2023:
- DV Ironwing q11 +14/-1: c/o 50e
- Exalted +9vsDemons +43wE q13Tac: c/o 50e
Items removed.
r/b met for the following items, selling by 22:00 UTC+1, 30-nov-2023:
Items removed.
New Items:
.- Gothic Defender q11 Tactics +10vsDemons -2w/ench
.- Echovald Shield q11 Tactics +10vsDemons -2w/ench
.- Celestial Shield q9 Strength +10vsPlants -2w/ench
.- Celestial Shield q11 Tactics +10vsPlants +45w/ench
.- Deadly Cesta q12 Death 20%HCT Death +5e^50
Auction ended, pm IGN for delivery please: Broetchen Ashmal
Still pending delivery: itscalvin
Items delivered. Item delisted. b/o set for:
Zodiac Shield | q12 Strength | +42wE +10vs Blunt | 248g | 20e |
Zodiac Longbow | q9 | +15wE | 368g | 20e |
Added: (Exp.: 05-dec-2023) > Listings here <
Items removed, adeed expiration dates, 2 items added:
- Spiked Targe -2wE +10vs Slashing
- Crystalline Sword q11 insc gold
SH6 Echovald - 3a
Ending auction for, selling by 21.00 UTC+1, Dec. 10, 2023:
- Echobald q11 +10vsDemons -2wE: c/o 3a Bubbag22 - b/o 5a
- Zodiac Longbow q11 +15^50 400gv