You gents have any idea of how much this could be worth?

Price check on OS Zodiac shield
ries -
November 15, 2023 at 5:29 PM -
Merch / low xxe
Can i ask why? When i get a q9 tactic they tell me to get q9 str. This seems something very usefull for tanks + nice skin.
Why is it only worht so little? -
cuz its not matching -2 stance +44 ench
they gotta be matching to be worth
So their usefulness is irrelevant?
Start using your own brain please.
Their usefulness is highly relevant. The combination of stance and enchantment is not matching. A player can either buy an inscripted one with matching stats or goes for full ench (sin/ranger) or full strength and stance (stance based war builds)
This thread checks value of rare items, some of which are absolute shit from a gameplay perspective.
Usefulness is definitely irrelevant. Rarity is the only factor here.
Ah a new professor joins the thread.
So you are telling me a q9tac 45ench 10vs demon shield is worth multiple times more as a q9tac 45ench 10vs dragons shield because it is rarer and not because it is more useful? Do your homework please and then come back with your wisdom.
For all POSTNERF things usefulness matters a lot.
True, I MAY have exaggerated a bit. The examples I was thinking of are rare skins with the same stats as collector items and the prenerf mods that are crap but people pay xxxa to obtain. Utility is not a factor in those situations.
Definitely important for mods not found outside of rare drops like the example you provided.
Merch because not max and mods not matching.
Max double ench or double stance would have been nice
Marty Silverblade
December 31, 2023 at 11:18 PM Closed the thread.