PC couple of q8 shields
IQ: -
December 27, 2023 at 9:48 AM -
Enameled 100-120a
Darkwing 90-100a
Diamond idk, mot is downer. Id say 20-25a. Get 2nd opinion.
Diamond idk not sure. Command 50-80a. Get 2nd opinion.
Equine 40-50a or so
2nd opinion on diamond :
This shield is crasy rare , 25a is imo a steal. Indeed mot is bad req, pretty useless and not wanted. But q8/16, one of the rarest skin insc in game.
I would never sell such shield under triple digit arms. But thatβs me; wait for more pc
I agree with the rest above -
I can price check my diamond drop
The mot agree with jack, did you ever see a diamond on sale q8 inscr ?
I think triple digit now
The command 15/25a -
Alrightie, ignore my pc on both diamond aegis please.
Good that others have more knowledge about the skin.
I think the other 3 pcs should be more accurate.
Thanks for the response, I do appreciate your answers a lot!
Marty Silverblade
January 31, 2024 at 11:43 PM Closed the thread.