My collection started a very long time ago with this sword, which cost me 100k + 10e back in the day.
I had a ten year break from the game and returned two years ago and learnt from a friend these could be farmed in Sorrow's Furnace. So I unpacked my tent and lived at Deldrimor War Camp for the last 18 months whilst on my search for more crystallines.
Most of the swords I farmed myself but I also had some help along the way from forum members and friends to complete this collection.
9 full sets q9-q13
+14^50, +13^50, +14^stance, +13^stance, +14 w/e, +13w/e, +14 vs hexed, +13 vs hexed and finally a naked set.
It's been a blast! now working on my dwarven axe sets