This is a tricky one, cause those items are both rare and not very sought after, I guess.
If I am not mistaken, insc Shadow Blades drop only from the Drakes on the Plain quest.
(I saw no evidence that they drop from fow chest or zchest, and if they do, this still applies for purps).
Considering this, how would you price these?

Max INSC q9 Shadow Blades
foo -
February 14, 2024 at 9:05 PM -
Thats defenetly some verry interesting stuff.
Difficult to put a price on
dont these drop in Realm of torment?
Thats defenetly some verry interesting stuff.
Difficult to put a price on
Thanks! some more interesting drops:
Sadly, still no blue shadow blades or purp shadow staves. Also lots of shadow bows in all rarity but that's boring so I don't screenshot them :[dont these drop in Realm of torment?
As far as I can tell, shadow army in RoT do not drop shadow gear or obs shards. This is what I figured so far:
It is indeed odd about shadow blades and zchest/fowchest, but till I get a reputable testimony, I can't say... -
I think the real question is :
If chest near drakes drop fow skin ?
If yes, maybe a q8 shadow blade gold can drop ? Hehe -
Drakes in a plain quest u can possibly get insc q8 shadow blade/shield aye.I think shadow blades/shield q9-13 drop insc same places that shadow axes tho, aye? i dont rly see big value in q9+ items tho, there just isnt interest
Thats defenetly some verry interesting stuff.
Difficult to put a price on
Thanks! some more interesting drops:
Sadly, still no blue shadow blades or purp shadow staves. Also lots of shadow bows in all rarity but that's boring so I don't screenshot them :[dont these drop in Realm of torment?
As far as I can tell, shadow army in RoT do not drop shadow gear or obs shards. This is what I figured so far:
It is indeed odd about shadow blades and zchest/fowchest, but till I get a reputable testimony, I can't say...What is DotP? ah nvm! found it!
Drakes in a plain quest u can possibly get insc q8 shadow blade/shield aye.I think shadow blades/shield q9-13 drop insc same places that shadow axes tho, aye? i dont rly see big value in q9+ items tho, there just isnt interest
You are talking about drake right ?
No obsi drake because lvl too high for q8.
I think it’s wrong because with all kabob farmers, no one drop since all this time?
And what about the chest ? -
I've been farming only the 2 east-most drakes, and so far no chests around their spawn points. It is likely that there are chests around the western ones.
I've so far gotten this, but no q8 (other than blue non-max bows and axes):I think shadow blades/shield q9-13 drop insc same places that shadow axes tho, aye?
I think not, but I'm not totally sure.
No obsi drake because lvl too high for q8.
They are 24. not sure what's the required level for q8.
So far I haven't seen a blue shadow blade. Would love to find out that they exist, from DotP or otherwise. -
wow that 7 15 is beautiful, thanks for show.
I think lvl 24 can drop q7 blue stuff, because I saw a lot of blue req 7 in doa drops, and doa are high lvl.
sorry for my english
About the price, I think this items can be considered to get xa to xxa, depends of the collector willing to pay. but you can easy get arms if the person know how the rare are these items
doesnt FoW chest drop obby shards?
doesnt FoW chest drop obby shards?
yeah that's actually true. my bad on this one.
Marty Silverblade
April 1, 2024 at 12:11 AM Closed the thread.