All items are max for their q. Thanks.
low q insc purple items, q8 gold insc items [closed]
Bramble flatbow 10e
Whalekin Wand, maybe 20e for collector, I have 2 of them gold and 2 purple is a hard sale.
Holy branch gold, merch
inscribed staff, maybe 10e-20e
Eagle defender 30e to 1a depend of interest of the buyer
Crimson Claw 1a to less a few ectos, also depend of interest of the buyer, there is hard to find these max 8 wand, because ppl always merch them.
Whalekin is extremely common and botted like sh***
Paulie Gualtieri
February 29, 2024 at 12:05 PM Changed the title of the thread from “low q insc purple items, q8 gold insc items” to “low q insc purple items, q8 gold insc items [closed]”. -
Marty Silverblade
February 29, 2024 at 10:35 PM Closed the thread.