Few OS goodies | Shields | q9 Zodiac longbow | More

  • Hey!

    While casually playing I got my hands on some items I think would be shame to merch, thus this thread. I will check back on monday to message people with the highest offers to relocate these items to, otherwise they will become merch food.

    1. Bronze Shield q12 Tac, +10 Demons, +57 w/Hex

    2. Round shield q13 Tac, -5/19%, +1 Fire 20%

    3. Skeleton Shield q10 Tac, -2 w/ Ench

    4. Bladed Shield q13 Tac, -5/20%

    5. Skeleton Shield q12 Tac, -5/19%, +10 Pierce, (Value 300g :o)

    6. Skeleton Shield q12 Tac, +10 vs. Demons

    7. Half Moon q9, 15^ench

    8. Zodiac Longbow q9, 15^50

    9. Dirks q9, 15^50

    10. Long Sword q9, +5E

    11. Katana q9, 15^50

    12. Bo staff q9 Dom, HCT spells 10%

    Please also make sure that I can find your IGN to contact you in game. That's all. Happy weekend everybody! :)

    P.S. This is my first time selling and not used on using forums. I hope I followed all the guidelines, don't be too hard on me, thanks

  • SpruceBark420 July 6, 2024 at 10:07 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Few OS goodies” to “Few OS goodies | Shields | q9 Zodiac longbow | More”.