Bumping my offer for the shield to 60a + a q9 tact Echovald -2 ench +10 plants in trade
OS Shields new 3/15/2025
W5 r/b
Bump r/bs added gl
100a r/b on the echovald
105a Plant-Echo
110a echovald
Earth Wand - 50a
Water Wand - 50a
Bump ty offers
Savage Bubba
February 23, 2025 at 6:51 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Q9 Tac Echovald +10 vs plant +45w/e +q9 20/20 wands” to “OS Shields outcast/echo +q9 20/20 wands”. -
bump added some shields ty for looking
Echo light 2a
S1 - 3a
S1 - 4a
S2 - 3a
s1 10a
S2 : 20a
IG : Khan A Byce
s1 - 13a
Bump s2 sold
S4 5A
s1 5a
s4 8a
s4 15a
s4 20A
s4 22a
Savage Bubba
March 15, 2025 at 8:32 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS Shields outcast/echo +q9 20/20 wands” to “OS Shields new 3/15/2025”. -
bump removed all the sold shields feel free to make a deal on multiple
A1 5a
A2 15a
A7 5a
A12 5a
A16 5a
A17 5a
a1 10a
A2 - 80a
A7 - 25a
A11 - 20a