Got this fresh drop tonight while chest running, any idea how much it could be worth? +29 is a heart breaker, but I'm assuming the mixed Str and Tac isn't going to help matters either (probably would have been best if both attri was str or tac).

PC OS Magmas Shield
Well take what you can. 1 off on req and stats very unfortunately..
Any love is good lovin’… so I took what I could get…
Was just excited to finally get a dual mod (after getting several single mods, one shield with +45 stance and 3 offhands with 20%) 😭But yeah I figured as much… but wanted to ask anyways! Thank you.
I doubt it’s merch though.
Maybe i’m wrong, but I would give a try selling it
I doubt it’s merch though.
Maybe i’m wrong, but I would give a try selling it
Yeah and I thought I have seen collectors out there who collect 20% +1 attr shields but that could change on this one since it’s +29 and not 30. Ill for sure hold onto it and maybe put it for sale in the future.
It hurts the price for sure.
Doesnt mean it’s merch.It’s magma, very looked after skin, the ans q10 isn’t that bad