Taking offers pre and post pm!
WTS Pre Searing Cera, Destroyer, Kunna, Asura, Varesh
Bump taking offers!
300 a on kuuna. What is C/O?
30a Asura
Current offer
Asura 30a
Kunna 300a
Cera 100a to start with
Current offer
Asura 30a
Kunna 300a
Cera 100a
Cera 500a
Cera 600a
Cera 605a
Current offer
Asura 30a
Kunna 300a
Cera 650a
660a cera
675a - Cera
700 cera
Whats b/o for cera?
B/o would be 6k+ arms
705a cera
1150a cera