crippling hornbow of charrslaying +16%

  • crippling hornbow of charrslaying +16%

    10-16 req 4

    lengthens cripple

    dmg +16% vs charr

    I was told by guildies that this is 25bd+ but no one has offered anywhere near that. I'm back after a long hiatus, so I know nothing about the markets, yet.

    If anyone wants to trade me post wealth for pre gifts, runes, bd, whatever, please msg me ig. I'm trying to kit out two full hero group on two accounts and most of my wealth is in pre

    and I probably should have left a char name. I'm on Nicolas Gwammel most often.

    Edited once, last by Marty Silverblade: Merged a post created by clevelumbus into this post. (February 13, 2025 at 10:21 PM).