Welcome to my Store!
Important Info: In here I will be selling my hand-picked chest drops. I say ´´hand-picked´´ to differentiate myself from the armies of bots running chests 24/7. All items listed here were chested by myself, while actively chestrunning the Echovald Forest. I was there to open the chest, and I was there to manually pick up these items. You can call my items ´´biological´´ if you want. The money raised by selling these items will most certainly go into lockpicks
(I reserve all seller rights)
Thank you for visiting my store!
1. Colossal +15%/-5e: c/o 10e Hate Core
2. Holy Branch DF, 20% DF: c/o 75e Elite Trader D
4. Frost Artifact +15/-1, +29hp:
5. Amber Wand (water) +5we/10%:
I hope you find something you like. Happy Bidding!
Please, leave your IGN.