the poster above me has a reasonable outlook on reasons.

the poster above me
the poster above has made reason to the 2cnd power
- Official Post
the poster above me is reasoning that the poster above them has ultimate reasoning powers
the poster above must have developed a few new bad habbits when leacy was down for nearly a day..
- Official Post
the poster above me doesnt know that the down time gave me time to repolish my ban hammer (and get some sleep)
the poster above is well rested
- Official Post
the poster above me has some wishful thinking going on (my hammer got some rest)
the poster above me's hammer's favorite lullaby is Maxwell's Silver Hammer by The Beatles.
- Official Post
the poster above me knows I listened to that song a LOT when I was a kid (and yes, I was around when it first came out)
The poster above me is revealing their age.
- Official Post
the poster above me also knows about when that song came out
the poster above me probably still has the white album on vinyl
- Official Post
the poster above me knows what vinyl is (and not the flooring!)
the poster above me figured out I might own some vinyl.
I have my parents collections, which Cosy might like some, but mine is mostly 80s and 90s punk stuff (mostly indie 7in you probably never heard of) and also some odd other stuff I like.
Aaaaannnnd I will not make the mistake I made on guru of posting my favorite punk christmas song by a wonderful band from Allston, MA... it's on youtube with a wonderful photo collage but I've been told it was inappropriate by a few ppl.
the poster above has typed too many words too read.
- Official Post
the poster above me wants Siri to read the post above them to him
(1980's ... your parents???
I remember the 1980's parents were the 1930's!
The poster above has discovered the poster above the poster above is younger than they think, i think.
The poster above me decided to not read my last post.
(cosy, the 80s and 90s stuff is mine not my parents. Theirs is late 50s thru mid 70s-ish, who the heck is 'the phlorescent leech and eddie'?Lol)
- Official Post
the poster above me is trying to make me feel better, sorta
(I think I have heard something they did..from the googling I did....)
The posters above me are older than me.
- Official Post
the poster above me is certainly not as old as I (where is my cane and hearing aid???)
the poster above is assuming of the previous poster post
the poster above me posted a post about posts being previously posted.
- Official Post
the poster above me has also posted about posts that the poster above them and the poster above them have previously posted previously
The posters above me are making things complicated.
the poster above is possibly recommending a conversation change
The poster above me is all over the Off Topic Threads.
- Official Post
the poster above me is keeping tabs on the poster above them who likes to post in OT
The poster above me keeps tabs on the entire forum and rules with a recently varnished ban hammer.
the poster above should watch where their fingers and toes are.
- Official Post
the poster above me is counting their fingers and toes
the poster above me is counting swings of her ban hammer.
Admit it, you keep track xD
the poster above doesnt know that the bunny thumper ranger build was based off that hammer..
- Official Post
the poster above me is giving away secrets (again)
th3 poster above me has >10x the posts as me....
...but it's wise to not ask how many posts were to say "Read the Rules" in Price Checks xD
- Official Post
the poster above me has less posts than I and wishes to catch up.
the poster above me knows what a futile effort catching her post count would be.
the poster above me is not a grammar Nazi otherwise they'd have scolded the poster above them for not saying "fewer posts than I".
the poster above me doesn't know how many times i've been called a grammar Nazi...
because I speak english really good, gooder than you, and maybe goodest of all time.
- Official Post
the poster above me is not as much of a grammar nazi as I