• So I have been thinking of why the price of ecto has dropped so much over the years, but mostly why it has dropped so much lately. I was wondering what everyone else thought, but my idea is: people are selling ecto to the trader to craft cons and/or because of their lack of gold. For me, having ecto hasn't been an issue for a long time. Having gold however, has been a struggle recently. Also, the money you can make crafting cons and selling them is pretty high for a very little amount of work (thanks toolbox!) So, if you guys have your own ideas or think I'm wrong, let me know!


  • Ecto Been main currency for Ever Peter. Ive used ectos to trade since 05 lol. Anyway i think thats Quite close to truth that ppl Merchant ecto. Price allways changed And IT aint 1st Time its this low

    Maybe in high end trading it was, but not for common trades...at least it was never apparent to me while viewing trade chat or while making trades (never had to ask someone if they'd take platinum instead of ecto). Everything in Spamadan trade chat today is listed for ecto, rarely do you see a mention of plat. Just one man's observation. Mileage may vary.

    Lose a minion, make a minion.

  • Well' the reason why ectos are used is simple : what can you buy with 100k ? Nothing. Or , maybe à stack of golden egg? (whoouuu , /cheer)

    Even ectos aren't THE curent money, arms are.

    And if you wonder the reasons why prices of items have changed (let's say, why inflation has changed?), or you are ignorant , or you pretend to be.

    Any guy with multiple alts makes hundreds of ectos (zkeys?) a day.

    So why would you use platinum to trade between players?

    IG: jacke l eventreur

    • Official Post

    The main reason that ecto took over from plat was due to the limit of how much plat you can carry on your character---100k just was not enough. Ecto being rare (back before nightfall) and stackable--thus more could be held onto at one time, made it the next step up from plat. Arms, being even more rare and harder to come by, became the next step up from holding stacks and stacks of ecto---this being due to some items being just priceless that even a whole character full was not of ecto was impractical for trading purposes.

    You can still get a few things in ecto and some are willing to trade in plat (like the nic trophies or birthday minis).

    If you want to blame someone blame the creators as they never had the idea that people would trade items for more than the merch value to each other AND rare drops.

    :mouse:where is the 'all you can eat' cookie bar? :cookie:

  • I think it's only part of the 100k character limit,

    and mainly because of the 1000k xunlai limit.

    People will have eventually filled up that amount and might not even have space for plat.

    You could encourage StephenCW to increase the trade limit to 1000k and the Xunlai limit to say 10000k.

    It might be doable and would reduce the need to trade with pseudo-currencies.

  • I mean, it's obviously because of this damn limit, but I think it was implicit that jfroosty was talking about something else, than why we don't pay In K anymore.

    Or maybe not, i'm actually puzzled by this thread, I guess jfroosty just reinstalled game and don't know what's going on with the economy

    IG: jacke l eventreur

  • Looney It has feature to automatically buy/sell materials from trader, making cons crafting 10 times faster. That feature is accessible and even encouraged by some people but in reality it kinda is a (you know what). Sure its quality of life feature but in reality people started using it to make cons at low cost with plat and sell for high

  • *sigh* I guess I'm old. I look at the mats I have, do math, and type in how many to make and hit craft... it's like basic math and 3-4 mouse clicks (my number pad is on my mouse too).

    I guess I'm too old for these newfangled automatatonizationing sauftwere.

    Edit: Wait? Ppl BUY mats for consets? I thought the mats were a byproduct of salvaging crap drops from chestrunning (plus a small amount of feather farming since nothing salvages to feathers that drops from chests). Or maybe that's just my method lol.

    ꚛꚙꚛ Ouch My Assassin | Raise R Bladez ꚛꚙꚛ

    Edited once, last by Looney (May 24, 2018 at 7:06 PM).

  • Ecto Been main currency for Ever Peter. Ive used ectos to trade since 05 lol. Anyway i think thats Quite close to truth that ppl Merchant ecto. Price allways changed And IT aint 1st Time its this low

    yeah but in 05, u added ectos ONCE u've reached maximum amount of plat (aka 100k).
    nowadays its only 200e for XX, not 100K+200e for ...
    Got a real struggle today to explain people why i sold with price like 100k+