Dunno if this was a joke post, but I saw this and it got me wondering what non-max mods are sought after apart from 10/10 swords or prenerf ones?

Non-Max Mods
Don't remind me I got outbided on this
Well, i'ts just a nice way to custom some items.
For example : req 11 crysta , damage + 11% , vamp mod 1/-1 ( prenerf vamp is sexier than real mod right?). Add the +1^11% and you get quite a nice sword. Clearly useless , but damn sexy
Imagine even that sword, with 111 gold merch value ....
That being said, I'm really curious to know on which item did ET used the mod
Im positively sure its for hes q8 11ench purple crysta
But anyway, yeah nonmax mods are hard to predict what are wanted, generlly 1/11-13% can be wanted but you never know, also 1/10 and 10% ench etc 10vs creatures can be cool, or 11-13%'s if someone looking for their weapons
Like example i would pay 250e easy for 12 vs giants Hammer mod, ive searched over 3 years for such mods, only found 11 and 13%s
as its cool way to mod weapons, like jack said and i personally seek that mod for q12 12ench 20/12 giant slayer hammer which id want to have 12vs giants too
Sorry about that, Jack.
If I ever come across a 12% vs. giants hammer mod, you'll be the first to know, Pleikki.
Anyway, I really appreciate your explanations. -
Eyes open
Im positively sure its for hes q8 11ench purple crysta
But anyway, yeah nonmax mods are hard to predict what are wanted, generlly 1/11-13% can be wanted but you never know, also 1/10 and 10% ench etc 10vs creatures can be cool, or 11-13%'s if someone looking for their weapons
Like example i would pay 250e easy for 12 vs giants Hammer mod, ive searched over 3 years for such mods, only found 11 and 13%s
as its cool way to mod weapons, like jack said and i personally seek that mod for q12 12ench 20/12 giant slayer hammer which id want to have 12vs giants too
Is giant slayer hammer still droppable from those toundra giants?
I need one and might go farm for it ....
yeah Giant slayer hammers still drop
There should be somewhere a page/list of the unusual mods/items people need (item + IGN). People like me would then once a while check it and came back if they stumble upon something. The amount of possibly needed items I have merched in my gw activity... It could be something like a shared WTB page or something, maybe dedicated forum entry updated when someone comments? Any ideas? If I have not seen this thread I would have never guessed that giantslayer mod for hammer could be interesting and since I spent quite some time in Snake Dance, there is a chance I may encounter it by chance..
Giant Slayer drops everywhere on tyria
but Ye sounds good idea im allways looking odd mods. Today finally got 8% Swift ive searched a while
Yea got a couple of giant slayers in like 4 runs lol
What about non-max Greens? I got one years ago I held onto.
there are few of those starter greens nothing special in them
- Official Post
yeah, I have bunches of the starter non-max greens (thanks to mostly the canthan quests....)