Hello, I'm looking for something..
OS Mursaat Hammer
- Q8 12^50, 14^50, 15Stance, 15Hexed Foes, 20Hexed, 20ˇ50.. etc
- Q9 +5Energy
- Q11 15^50, +5Energy
- Q12 +5Energy
- Q13 +5Energy
Q8 Bows
Bramble +5Energy - Flat, Horn, Recurve
Mursaat Horn,
(15^50, 15Stance, 15Enchanted, 15 -1, 20Hexed, 20ˇ50.. etc)
Q7~Q8 +30hp (Single Mod) Shields
Display Spoiler
i have this;
(*T=Tactics, *S=Strength)
1. Tall Shield - T
2. Skeleton Shield - T
3. Celestial Shield - S
1. Plagueborn Shield - T & S
2. Echovald Shield - T & S
3. Amber Aegis - T & S
4. Iridescent Aegis - T
5. Gothic Defender - T
6. Crude Shield - T
7. Aegis - T
8. SotW - T
9. Tall Shield - T
10. Embossed Aegis - T
11. Skeleton Shield - T
12. Kappa Shield - S
13. Bladed Shield - S
14. GotH - S
15. Zodiac Shield - S
16. Eternal Shield - S
17. Bronze Shield - S
18. Exalted Aegis - S
19. Celestial Shield - S
20. Defender - S
Q13 Weapons
- DualMod Shields (+30/anymod, +45/-2, +60/-3, +45/+10...etc)
- +5Energy Weapons
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I need to skin this
< S W O R D >
Crystalline Sword,
Short Sword,
Dusk Blade,
Sunqua Blade
< A X E >
Battle Axe (cleaver),
Dwarven Axe,
Piercing Axe,
Serpent Axe(tyrian),
Summit Axe,
Hand Axe(canthan),
Mammoth Axe
< H A M M E R >
Ball Hammer,
Righteous Maul,
Twin Hammer,
War Hammer(dwarven,krytan,ram,spiked),
Dwarven Hammer,
Giant Slayers Hammer,
Magmas Arm,
Mursaat Hammer,
Swamp Club,
Gavel of the Nephilim,
Melon Hammer,
Plagueborn Hammer,
Runic Maul,
Spiked Club,
Stone Crusher,
Supreme Bludgeoner,
Wolf Hammer
< B O W >
Bramble Flatbow,
Bramble Hornbow,
Bramble Longbow,
Bramble Shortbow,
Bramble Recurve Bow,
Ironwing Flatbow,
Hornbow (mursaat,stoneshard),
Plagueborn Hornbow,
Naga Longbow,
Naga Shortbow,
Dead Bow,
Eternal Bow,
Grinning Recurve Bow
< D A G G E R S >
Aureate Daggers,
Celestial Daggers,
Kris Daggers,
Zodiac Daggers,
Hooked Daggers,
Salient Daggers
- 15% -1hp Weapons
- 20/20 Staffs (Bo, Platinum, Ghostly, Dragon, Celestial, Zodiac, Shadow, Raven)
Display Spoiler
Bo Staff -
fire, air, earth, water, df/heal, df/prot, df/df, smiting, curses, blood, death, domination, illusion, channeling, spawning, communing
Platinum Staff - fire, air, earth, water,
df/heal, df/prot, df/df, smiting, curses, blood, death, domination, illusion, channeling, spawning, communing
Ghostly Staff -
fire, air, earth, water, df/heal, df/prot, df/df, smiting, curses, blood, death, domination, illusion, channeling, spawning, communing
Dragon Staff -
fire, air, earth, water, df/heal, df/prot, df/df, smiting, curses, blood, death, domination, illusion, channeling, spawning, communing
Celestial Staff - fire, air, earth, water,
df/heal, df/prot, df/df, smiting, curses, blood, death, domination, illusion, channeling, spawning, communing
Zodiac Staff - fire, air, earth,
water, df/heal, df/prot, df/df, smiting, curses, blood, death, domination, illusion, channeling, spawning, communing
Shadow Staff - fire, air, earth, water, df/heal, df/prot, df/df, smiting, curses, blood, death,
domination, illusion, channeling, spawning, communing
Raven Staff - fire, air, earth, water, df/heal, df/prot, df/df, smiting, curses, blood, death, domination, illusion, channeling, spawning, communing
Please PM me what do you have (with price) or leave your IGN.
I'll contact you. ty