eternal bows q9, low req dagger, dom frogs--close pls

  • Hey guys, need a pricecheck pls on the following items:mouse::mouse::thumbup:

    1. eternal bow q9 +5e OS

    2. eternal bow q9 +15we OS

    3. dragon Kamas q9 15^50 OS

    4. battlepick q9 15^50 OS

    5. ivory bow 15-1hp q9 OS

    6. double bladed axe q10 15-1hp OS

    7. platinum wand q12 div 10%HSR / E+15-1

    8. voltaic wand q11 ES HCT 10% / HSR20% air

    9. wailing wand q11 death HSR20% death / E+15-1

    10. ornate shield q9 tac -2we / 10vs pierce

    11. defender q11 str 10vs drag / -2ws

    12. golden talons q5 6-13 gold insc

    13. frog dom q12/q13

    Thanks in advance

  • Simon Moon October 18, 2018 at 10:31 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “differing OS and frogs” to “eternal bows q9, low req dagger, dom frogs”.
  • I'll try, wait for other replies however ;)

    1. 30e rare wanted skin, perf

    2. 20e rare wanted skin, not so desired dmg mod

    3. 30e+ rare desired skin, perf mods, could go higher

    4. 15e core skin perf

    5. 20e good skin rare mod, useledd (more if you find a collector)

    6. 10-15e dualvamp onehand for pvp, unwanted by collectors since q10

    7. Merch-10e high req, rather useless, still rare skin and dualmaxmod, not sure

    8. Unsure around 10e good mods, high req, don't know much about skin

    9. Unsure around 15e good mods, high req, don't know much about skin

    10. 50-100e perf mods, good skin, unfortunately str, but still

    11. Merch-10e if you find collector (hello ;) ) max mods, unwanted combination

    12. Rare good insc low req daggs in gold, but I do not know price

    13. No clue, but quite a bit, good skin, desired, desired attr expect a couple hundred ecto (rather in the lower range however)

    Hope it helps - but wait for more

    No. 3,12,13 would be easier sales, the others are rather difficult

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • 1. 200e+ imo if u find a collector, i saw few of those go for around that price

    2. 10-20e tops

    3. 25-40e

    4. merch

    5. hard to tell, imo very rare ... im looking for +5e for ages now and id say 15-1hp is even more rare but yet not many ppl are into dualvamp bows ... 20-100e possible imo

    6. last year even shitty dualvamp weps (one handed) got sold for 75-125e but i guess the time is over, id be happy with anything over 50e

    7. 8. 9. idk ... os wands are still a mystery to me lol

    10. 100-200e imo, but maybe a bit less

    11. 10-20e

    12. rly rare to see gold max dmg insc q5 daggers, last ones like these got sold for like 200-250e if im not mistaken

    13. use thise site, best way to find out prices for common mainstream stuff like froggy/bds/vs/etc


    ign: Katze Kami

  • Simon Moon October 29, 2018 at 12:15 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “eternal bows q9, low req dagger, dom frogs” to “close pls”.
  • cosyfiep October 30, 2018 at 2:23 PM

    Closed the thread.
  • cosyfiep October 30, 2018 at 2:23 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “close pls” to “eternal bows q9, low req dagger, dom frogs--close pls”.