OS Ghostly Staff q10 Earth 20/20
Maybe 50e.
It's q10 and Earth is not too desirable.
Dont believe that. I sold a q10smiting ghostly for 350e a few weeks back. This will go for more as earth is much more desirable. Moon will be interested. Def 250e+!!
50e for a q10 20/20 rare skin earth staff is absurdly inaccurate. Especially considering this is a ghostly which is one of the currently rarest and most desires skins. Earth is one of the most sought after attributes too.
This is at least 2-3a imo.
I think moon would be interested in this and if i were you, you should make him pay quite abit for it too
deff more than 50e
All magic of El staves are disirable for pvp (with 20/20 mod off).
Agreed with 2-3 arms , don’t let it go for less.
Lol 2-3 a. I'd easy give you 10a if not more for it
Who Pc's a q10 20/20 Nice skin staff 50e ? This is at least 5a
There was q9 version for like 30a on kamadan some days ago, id say ~5a for q10
March 4, 2019 at 3:30 AM Closed the thread.