Thank you in advance.

Just several items
Nothing here worth selling as nooone will bother offering you close to what they would be worth. Very nice shields & each one is definitely worth a lot of armbraces. Wait for Plekki to advise further.
If you need someone killed, i am sure Max will offer his services for the dual red tho.
Welcome back engage! Been a while
And well yeah selling high end items is definetly hard thesedays (but i dont think ud be looking sell anyway)
Those shields are extreamly nice and with each i would definetly be looking Minimal 200a+before even considering selling, with bid wars who knows where they could reach tho (so this is not straight PC) xD (i know just month ago i would have paid 200a+ for any of those personally when i still had arms lol, so definetly minimal xD) -
Ive gotten offers of higher than 200a+ for my q7 -2/-2 round shield, and I would value all of these shields at a much(emphasis on the much) higher price based on their rarity.
- Official Post
Haven’t seen those in a looong time! Welcome back.
Spectacular shields, worthy of being in a museum, and I’d agree with the others about triple digit armbraces for any of them.
As usual (and as you already know), don’t sell them ingame as you’ll rip yourself off, and do list them for sale here if you’re considering selling.
I have an r7 dual reduction skeleton shield already (had three at one point), so I wouldn’t be interested even if I had the armbraces in the bank.
Those are really lovely shields.
February 26, 2019 at 6:53 PM Closed the thread.