50a for oni set
Flamberge 10a
Fellblade 18a
Shadow blade 15a
50a for oni set
Flamberge 10a
Fellblade 18a
Shadow blade 15a
Q8 15^50 fellblade 25a
bump...............added more RBs
R/b q8 15^50 fellblade
60a +5 oni
bump.............selling fellblade tonight if no further bids
bump..............fellblade sold
added more +5 and 15^50s
r/b q8 +5e plagueborn & zodiac sword
bump..........RB for plagueborn and zodiac sword +5s are met.
RB Oni Blade 15^50 & Shadow Blade
Belleti Cadrus
15a great axe
40a fds
Oni Blade +5e 65a
Retracting my bids on Oni blade, sticking to R/B Shadow blade and also R/B on Flamberge. Thanks
75a Oni blade +5e
plagueborn and zodiac sold
Flameberge and Shadow Blade sold
added new celestial set
75a q8 +5e celestial sword
another bump...............keep the bids coming
bump...............celestial RB added.
100a on celeste +5e
R/b q8 +5e celestial sword
bump...............putting the unclaimed items back on the market.
bump..................added GPB set and more
RB for Celestial met.
bump +5 celestial sold.
bump...added a few more new q8 +5s
r/b on q8 resto staff please
ign Adanel Jade
q8 +5e jitte mammoth axe gpb 50a/ea
q8 +5e jitte 100a
75a plat blade
bump..................added some RB
r/b mammoth axe
bump...............Mammoth Axe sold.
Butterfly sword 15a
15a on Q9 Resto Platinum Staff
bump... relisting some previously unsold stuff
q8 +5e gpb zodiac axe 100a/ea jitte 200a