Hey everybody,
I was wondering if anyone has some max os q8 items which are either “highly salvageable“ or have “increased sale value“. If that's the case, feel free to leave me a message
Hey everybody,
I was wondering if anyone has some max os q8 items which are either “highly salvageable“ or have “increased sale value“. If that's the case, feel free to leave me a message
Are you after solely golds? I keep a hold of any white/blue/purple interesting items like this (e.g. purple 16AL q8 non insc aegis with +8AL v fire).
Let me know if you want me to go through them all and give you a list
Hi, thanks for your reply Gold is a bonus, I'm only looking for “highly salvagable“ and “increase sale value“. In case you have any, feel free to wsp me ign : Acid Reyne.