PC Q9 Prot BDS - UNID if that matters
Mozo -
August 22, 2019 at 2:03 AM -
You see people trying to sell prot for 70-80a lots, dunno if anybody ever sells at that price? Gz on the drop dude!
I second the above pc. The typical going rate for a q9 prot bds is 70a. With it being unidentified I would actually say it worth less due to the fact that bds are known to bug and not allot for an inscription slot.
there are like 10 player in kamadan trying to sell their q9 bds for 70-80a and nobody buys it, if i were you i would put it for 50a or take any offer you get over 50a
after all most active player who want a q9 prot bds got one already and q9 prot still drops "relatively" frequently in soosc
same goes for q9 eblades you can spam for weeks in kamadan and then get lucky and sell it for 70a or you just sell it quick for a bit less arms
unid or identified doesnt matter
September 22, 2019 at 1:12 AM Closed the thread.