I'm open to offers on anything!
Inscriptions (All perfect)
"Sheltered by Faith" - 1e
"Guided by Fate" - 1k
Mods (All perfect)
Staff Wrapping of Enchanting - 5e
Wand Wrapping of Memory - 1e
Spear Grip of Enchanting - 5e
Zealous Spearhead - 1e
Bow Grip of Deathbane - 2e
Wintergreen Sword (Caster modded) - 10e OBO
Serrated Spear - Q.9 - Please Offer
Frog Scepter - Q.13 Water Magic - Please Offer
Bladed Shield - Q.9 Tac (OS, -2^Enchanted, +30hp) - c/o 20a (in-game)
Eternal Shield - Q.12 Str (OS, -3/Hexed, +10vFire) - Please Offer
Golden Rin Relic - 1e
If you see me online, PM me (in-game) about any item above. I'll try to keep the list update!
If I don't respond right away PM me a couple mins later, I won't get annoyed!
(Do I still have to reserve all rights etc. etc.? I reserve all rights etc. etc..)
IGN: Kosar The Cruel