5e chaos
1e zodiac
1e celestial axe
1e celestial sword -
15e broadsword
5e celestial sword
15e dadao
8e chaos axe
15e zodiac axe -
Bring Up My Post
6e cele sword
9e chaos
16e zodiac
1e jade
1e gothic dual
750e ornatecome at me IvoryR
12e cele sword
12e chaos axe
20e zodiac axeOther offers as they were.
800 e ornate.
Ching the assassin -
13e chaos axe
21e zodiac axe -
15e chaos axe
25e zodiac axe -
16e chaos
850e ornate -
20e chaos
15e Tyrian cleaver -
Bring Up my Post
925e - ornate
1000e ornate
Bring Up My Post
Broadsword 25e
~Mourning Cld
Bring Up My Post
Bring Up My Post
Cele axe - 15e - retract got elsewhere
Bring up my post
b/o on both goth swords (Sin Ovitch)
Bring Up My Post
S/b Mini Asura/Gray Giant
b/o on the ar 8 ebonhand
Bring Up My Post, ADDED BO's, Updated Stock
Bring Up My Post, Added Dual Vamp
r/b Shield of the wing
Bring Up My Post , Lowered some BO's
Bring Up My Post, Added Shadow Shields
s/b both shadow shields
125e/ea shadow shields
150e each both shadows
175e each on both shadow Shields
IGN: Emperor Kul
Bring up my post
Bring up my post
200e shadow shield +30 +10vs light
225e Shadow Shield 30 10 vs lightning
Bring Up My Post
Bring up my post
15e Short Sword
IGN: Cold Brew Coffee