WTS Q10 Water BDS!
b/o 8a
WTS Q10 Water BDS!
b/o 8a
60e for the embossed aegis
ign Lilith The Spinner
c/o added
close plz
bump. look at first post
WTS 5x Charr Bags ea 200g! WTS 3x Charr Kit 5k ea!
Also Sweet, Party and Alc ea point for 50g!
I will buy one Charr Kit
IGN: Ar Dunain
I'll take the Charr Bags (x5) Trade Complete!
IGN: X Gia Cullen X
I'll take the sweets, and party then.
ign: Antigone Amidala
Trade with ardunain & Jio done. Cataphract I should be online on sunday afternoon/evening EU time.
WTS 2x Charr Kit 5k ea!
Also Sweet, Party and Alc ea point for 50g!
WTS 2x Charr Kit 5k ea & Alc ea point for 50g!
WTS Q10 Water BDS!
look at first post plz
b/o down to 9a