HA is "active" during double week. Ppl still play around eu evening time. Otherwise some alts farm in HA.
JQ seems dead nowadays since bots gone (??)
HA is "active" during double week. Ppl still play around eu evening time. Otherwise some alts farm in HA.
JQ seems dead nowadays since bots gone (??)
He never answered my PN from last week and didn't reply here. Seems like it's done already.
A second mod would be fine, whatever... my luck is non-existing lmao
I did more Missions and Quest and I'm super close to Kryta. Only these three primary q to kryta to do and I'm almost in Lion's Arch, wowie. Now I struggle a bit. I said that I want to do the main order proph > factions > nightfall > eotn but at the same time I said I want to do all q before move on... sooo in LA should I ignore the quest to travel to the other regions? Mhh...
And I got my first gold drop. From a warrior boss in the Borlis Pass Mission. Sweet. Still no gold drop yet from chests... I really love this project so far.
I did lots of Quest in Ascalon. I'm almost done with the Ascalon part. Only Mission 3 and 4 to do and two Q left. Cities of Ascalon and Symons History of Ascalon. I can do the first Q with the remaining two Missions and the other Q afterwards. Nothing much left to say atm. I really enjoy this little nostalgia journey and play my War from time to time. Do ppl still buy the -50hp crim cesta? Right now I switch from sword to a axe build.
[My Build;OQITEXZixIqQVo023atrCAA]
Give me ur ign and I help ya out.
Give me your ign and I help ya.
What's the meaning of Carry? You need help with these Missions?
Elite tomes should be 2e to 3e ea (depend on the prof, only Sin should be way lower if you can sell them).
Here is someone buying in stocks.
It's finally done. Woohoo. After 40+ hours, I did my last Charr run (while favor even) and still not a single Kit drop while I was doing LDoA. Nevermind. With almost 80k in the bag I will leav the peaceful Ascalon behind. So the real part of Iron-Journey starts now..
I'm close to Lv. 20 and then finally done with LDoA. Atm like 30 to 40% on Lv. 19. Should be done this weekend with Farmer Hamnet Q + another daily Q Reward.
Today I got a black dye drop. Really cool. But soon I can finally get the real taste of Iron-Journey and do all the Q & Missions in Tyria. Very hyped for this.
Got the spear. Thanks. Plz closed.
Got black dye in pre, naisu.
That seems odd that an Ice elemental would drop a black, white or silver seems fitting.
Anyways , congratulations
Yeah. I was really suprise to get it while farm EXP as Lv 19 on Farmer Hamnet Q.
Got black dye in pre, naisu.
Hey. As the titel says, I'm looking for a Gold Serrated Spear in the EotN Skin. Req I don't care xD. Tell me a price and we find a way for the trade.
So no more bots in GW1 or what? That would be great news, hehe..
FA should be active on the weekend when the community make events to play it, atleast it was this case few years ago. JQ should be "active" because bots farm the zkeys there afaik.. dunno if this is still a thing or not.
Feitan Thunhil plz give me ur ign so I can get my #35
Sadly 1 off but idk if still worth smth?
I see that this guy who must be crazy, is missing that particular Q8 15-21 from their 142 piece collection: Q8 15-21 Swords and Q8 15Armor Shields Collection
You can have mine if you want xD
Sadly 1 off but idk if still worth smth?
trademeimfamous Aliss plz pm me ign or tell me ur igns and I will sell you both shields
Last bump before I sell them on friday evening/night..
I'm from europe (GMT+1 / UTC +1). 9 o'clock it's over. I will contact then the highest bid.
Gz, where did it drooped?
Battledepths - as I know its the only place to really target Darkwing's and Enamled. You could farm Drakes or Whisps, but I find the Whisps easier to farm, and as they are spread out further, the anti-farming code doesn't impact the drops as much as killing all the Drakes in one go. Still, taken me years of farming them on and off to get a max req8 rare skin. You wouldn't believe how many req8 command and motivation Reinforced Defenders I had to go thru XD
Do you have a farm build / video maybe for me? Would like to test this farm..
I will leav this open until the weekend and then sell both to highest bid. So get them while you can
I will leav this open until the weekend and then sell both to highest bid. So get them while you can
In another life this Ank was a Shield I guess lol
I want to sell these two Magmas Shield drops. Please bid here. I hold the right to sell or not to sell. I will decide myself whenever I close the thread.
Maybe a nod to Aliss because you asked. Happy bid!
2. Purple
Mhh... don't know how to feel about these drops today..
Yo sell me that grape
Offer me a good price then
Yo. I need PC on these two plz. Thanks.
Mhh... don't know how to feel about these drops today..
Alright. Will remember for the next time.
Does close the game count as death while doing charr boss run? I swear I was on like ~ 220hp and run away and want to close the game to be safe guess that didn't work? lmao. I'm pissed. But still will go on... survivor with quest then after pre I guess...
Really mad right now.