Chest Run: NF/HM - Domain of Fear - (Ghostly Staves / Eternal Shields / Storm & Eternal Bows)

  • Hi, my english is little, this tutorial will be concise. After multiples demands i create this tutorial.

    Chest Run: NF/HM - Domain of Fear.

    (Ghostly Staves / Eternal Shields / Storm & Eternal Bows)

    Location: Nightfall, Domain of Fear (HM). Start from Gate of Fear.

    Skins drop: Ghostly Staves / Eternal Shields / Storm & Eternal Bows. (Infos: all inscriptible. Not possible for this Chest Run: Ghostly Staves = Energy Storage, Soul reaping and Inspiration. Eternal Shields = Command, Motivation and Tactics).

    Requirement: No Warrior, Ranger, Elementalist, Necromancer or Monk, for first and second profession (see below for more infos). Best for this Chest Run: D/A, specialy for: Cower in Fear, environnment effect.

    Time: 2-6 minutes for 0-4 chests max.

    Domain of Fear

    (Note: Possible others zones on Domain of Fear, but South-East offer more chests with easy access).


    1. Why not use: Warrior, Ranger, Elementalist, Necro and Monk for first and second profession? Because mobs use: Fingers of Chaos. It's not impossible, but more hard. For run here, D/A classic runner is a good build.

    2. From gate of Fear, exit to: Domain of fear. Direction South, by the left side. The only difficulty is 2 groups. First: group with Monk Boss: Flame of Fervor. On the group: Rain of Terror, use magic water and slowed your run. Second: group after Boss, direction South-East, same problem: Rain of Terror.

    Before use Shadow Form, for run Boss and second group with elementalists, check if one Arm of Insanity cast: Quickening Zephyr. (depend composition of group with Boss). Take advantage of the spirit effect to reload Shadow Form faster in order to run the 2 groups. Or, run fast if there is no Arm of Insanity and place heros on second group for lure. Here, job of heros is die for more easy acces of zone (90% of time).

    (Note: After 2 groups, only: Scythe of Chaos interrupt you skills/Shadow Form).

    3. For drop Ghostly Staves, Eternal Shields, Storm and Eternal Bows, you open chests only accompanied by: Terrorweb Dryder. All others chests not drop skins previously named. Except 3 chests on zone South-East (Terrorweb Dryder start position on Chests, but run as soon as you approach, for other position). See pictures on below:

    (After 2 groups East on water).

    (Extreme South on South-East zone).

    (On the slope, West of South-East zone).


    I trashed stats, but it is not uncommon to see drop. Little + for drop Elite Tomes , all professions possible.

    Note: Wiki fail for Ghostly Staves infos [MAJ on the wiki by @Looney 27.11.2022]. Inscriptible version, for 21 attributs possible, all exist, except: Heal, Protection, Restoration and Fast casting. Recall: Not possible for this Chest Run: Ghostly Staves = Energy Storage, Soul reaping and Inspiration. Eternal Shields = Command, Motivation and Tactics). For this check Zaishen Chest. See picture on below for see all version of Ghostly Staves inscriptible:

  • Hi, I used to do this chest before Eotn was realised. I paid someone to show me this "secret" chest run. I just came back to this game and have a collection of ghostlys, eternal sheld and stormbow from this run.

    I thought about trying to run chests again and this route and found this info.

    Anyway, brings back good memories.